Monday 4 June 2012

Brazil Says Hello Moto! via Motorola MOTOKEY 3-CHIP

Motorola has just uncovered a new mobile phone from its portfolio and it's a really a strange device. The new gadget from Motorola is a feature phone called Motorola MOTOKEY 3-CHIP, which posses 3 SIM card slots as its unique selling proposition.

The other attractions of the MOTOKEY 3-CHIP are a full physical QWERTY keyboard along with a 2 MP camera, an FM radio receiver and a microSD card slot. Motorola is also providing a 2GB microSD card in its retail package.

Being a simple characteristic phone, the Motorola MOTOKEY 3-CHIP doesn't even offer a touch-enabled display. Also its users would only be able to transfer data from single SIM card at a time, and the other two available will be left for telephony and messaging.

From the first week of June 2012, MOTOKEY 3-CHIP will be available in the Brazilian market. Its suggested retail price is 349 BRL (around $171).


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